Thursday, October 25, 2012

Le presqu'île, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Fragonard et la tortue

Went on a solid walk Saturday, to Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat's Presqu'île--a beautiful spot full of lizards and my new favourite tree, le Pin d'Alep. And thanks to la loi littoral, which bans the contruction of buildings that obstruct the public's view of the sea (though there are exceptions, I'm told), we had an unbroken view of the water the whole time.

Besides being out and about with the sun and surf, there was also a Jeff-Koons-esque statue of a turtle-riding man in gold along the way and GIANT aloe vera that have outgrown lamposts.

After our walk, I was taken on a surprise detour to Èze sur la colline, which I've been dying to visit since before my departure for France. It was very scenic, but somewhat artificial, being occupied exclusively by restaurants, stores, galleries and a five star hotel---which isn't surprising when you consider its location and position as a tourist hot-spot.


After walking around for a bit, we went to Fragonard to see how perfume is made. 

The whole thing turned out to be half tour and half sales pitch. One apparently has to go to Grasse to get the comprehensive tour. Still, I did find it relatively informative and Fragonard offers its tour in a wide range of foreign languages from German to Mandarin---we actually joined a Chinese tour group in order to get home in time for dinner!

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