Monday, October 15, 2012

premier jour comme étudiante

First day of class today! And of course I woke up at exactly the time I was supposed to have arrived at school... Classic Tina.

The best part was, I had thrown on a dress with some tights to save time, except my tights were too old, the elastic was shot, and they slid down as I marched through downtown Nice so that I couldn't even run for it as the clock ticked. Ahhhh, wardrobe malfunctions--also, Classic Tina!

Upon arrival, I completed a short placement test with written and oral components and the level of my spoken French was found to actually exceed that of my written French (insert gassssssssp).

Now, this can mean one of two things. Either a) talking to myself en français in my car has severely improved my command of la langue français, ou b) my written French has gravely deteriorated in the last four/five years. Hint: it's probably not the former.

Alors, je me suis rendu au FNAC après ma classe, en cherchant un titre que j'ai déjà lu en anglais (parce que c'est comment j'ai appris l'anglais, en lisant tout le temps). Et voilà j'ai choisi celui de Haruki MURAKAMI, l'oeuvre, L'éléphant s'évaporecar ce livre est un receuil des nouvelles (an anthology of short stories) et selon moi, ça doit être plus facile à comprendre.

And that was my first day more or less. I also wandered up Parc de la Colline du Château which is what those scenic photographs are of. Then I walked back to Vieille Nice aux marchés aux puces and picked up a procelain chochon as pictured (I know, so useless!), and eventually ended up home with mes devoirs and what was left of my Haribo Schtroumpfs.

PS. Denise, c'est à toi, le dessin en haute! Après tout c'est à cause de toi que j'ai ce blog là!



    Wow, that's amazing that you're in 'authentic' French classes. So exciting! And yes, talking to yourself in French.. I used to do that to HA! (except mine involved some old school tapes lolol)

  2. I just saw the PS shout-out now LOL!!! YAY!

  3. Yaaaaah! S'aaaaaall your idea!!!
