Wednesday, October 17, 2012

la Tour Eiffel

Having had a conversation with an extremely nice and friendly woman from California that morning, I decided to abandon my vow to avoid tourist attractions in Paris, and to visit the Eiffel Tower after Sacre Coeur.

At first, I had thought I could make it in time to watch the sun set en haut. When I arrived, I was presented with an atrociously endless line and in the end must have waited nearly an hour to even get my ticket. 

Instead of experiencing the Parisien dusk from above, I ended up watching it go by below. Then, when I did get myself up to the very top, au sommet, it started to rain once again! Luckily I didn't get drench again this time.

When it came time to descend the tower, c'était encore le cauchemar! I somehow managed to squeeze my way onto the elevator for the second étage. From there, I decided to walk the rest of the way down, and part of the way down, I kept wondering if I wasn't supposed to be there afterall, and spent the descent rehearsing my excuses en français, haha.

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