Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Louvre, Yayoi Kusama, l'Arc de Triomphe

OMG, no way! It's grey again! I'm SOOOOOO surprised!

And that was pretty much the end of the Louvre for me. I knew I was too restless to stay at a museum the entire day, so after waiting in line to get in, entering and realizing there were more lines, I poked around and left. This woman eating her lunch was more interesting for me at that time. What can I say? I enjoy observing locals going about their business, doing mundane things.


After leaving the Louvre, I merely walked around towards l'Arc de Triomphe, since someone had told me the day before it was his favourite monument, that and Notre Dame.

Anyone else find M. Greyhoodie's tree-facilitated chin-ups over there, super hot?

I know I do!

After I snapped this shot and was in the middle of setting up for the next and better one, I got surrounded by a woman and two girls who were probably pickpockets, posing as fundraisers for the deaf. They just ran up to me, surrounded me and one of them even touched my face (pet peeve alert). I instictively pushed them away and shouted Laisse-moi! Though in retrospect it probably should have been Laissez-moi for the three of them. I also should have added Allez vous-en!

What a tourist trap.

It began to rain (I've become so rain-obsessed on this trip) later on this walk and the shoes I had bought from a truly superb store in Belleville that were supposed to be rain-proof gradually got soaked so I stopped taking photos after this point and would have given up seeing l'Arc de Triomphe altogether had Louis Vuitton's store front not suddenly loomed before me, with its gloriously polka-dotty Yayoi KUSAMA windows. Did I mention they were glorious?

I was ecstatic. It was just the pick-me-up I needed after getting drenched again, (is there anything worst than wet feet? #firstworldproblems) and having been attacked by that gang of face-petters.

Finally, l'Arc de Triomphe.

You get a discount if you're 25 and under, and I totally showed the ticket sales personnel my ID, forgetting my birthday had just passed. BAHAHA!


Looking towards Montparnasse, I believe, a neighbourhood I did not have time to set foot in.

On the way home, this particular train had three people each from la gendarmerie nationale. What funky hats have they. And that concludes the first half of my last day in Paris. 

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