Friday, November 30, 2012


Yves Klein. If you're remotely intersted in art, you can't get very far in Nice without eventually encountering the area-born artist. Here he is in all his Blue-Epoch Glory au Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain (MAMAC)

Klein's works are currently exhibited in a group show alongside James Lee Byars (above) and Anish Kapoor, whose works I'd seen years before at the ICA in Boston, which is a museum worth visiting just for its architecture and situation in the harbour. 

Another artist whose works are popular here, is Nikki de Saint Phalle. She had a retrospective in Nice not too long ago that I really wish I could have seen. There's something very appealing about all the colours and blobby (if it wasn't a word before, it is now) people in her practice. 

Then we have Ben (above). Who's part of l'École de Nice, who's known for his rounded cursive, something you can easily find in Nice on postcards, mugs and t-shirts.

After four floors of art, what I love most about le MAMC, is the rooftop terrasse. 

I loved it so much I re-visited on a sunnier day, also making sure I didn't miss Emmanuel Régent this time in the ground floor contemporary gallery I had neglected earlier.

Right below MAMAC, under the gardens in front of the Acropolis, is la Biliothèque Louis Nucéra. Unfortunately, the rudest person I met in all of France also happens to work there, (in the music section) so that, I did not revisit.

Ahhhhh, starting to miss Nice a lot, now! You know what that means---time to watch some actualités françaises!

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