Tuesday, October 16, 2012

le cimetière des Chiens à Asnière-sur-Seine


Paris, Paris, Paris.

Je me sens mal de gorge (sore throat) aujourd'hui. Donc, je suis rentrée chez moi toute de suite pour me reposer un peu et de faire la lessive (do the laundry) en profiter du soleil si brillante pour que mes vêtements puissent sécher dehors dans le jardin.

Alors, quelle opportunité de vous raconter mes aventures à Paris, aka That-time-I-went-for-a-really-long-swim-and-ruined-all-my-shoes!

 Au départ du cimetière des Chiens à Asnière-sur-Seine (actually, this is a suburb outside of, but not too far from Paris), which took me forever to find in something of a rain storm. Je suis descendue trop tôt du métro, à Clichy, and I had to ask a gardener au parc des Impressionnistes for directions. Le jardinier was very nice and ended up offering to show me around Paris when he was done work, mais même si que je n'aie senti aucun danger, I thanked him and politely declined. Il m'a souhaté un bon pormenade.

Misinterpreting his instructions, I took some wrong turns, crossed the wrong bridge, stretching the 10 minute walk to an hour or more, and found myself in the wrong part of town in a flea market. It was just as well though, because it started to pour and I was able to find a pretty sturdy umbrella. Malheureusement, it did nothing to protect my nubuck shoes, and they are still drying in Nice from that day. Ha!

It was wonderful to finally get to the cemetery. The grounds were peaceful and very beautifully kept. It was right on the Seine and you can see the water from within the cemetery. When I left, the sun made a guest appearance et je me sens vraiment zen.

My only regret is that, having become quite disoriented and discouraged by the wet and meandering search for the cemetery and the general discomfort of soaking wet feet, I missed a whole section of the place. J'ai regardé le plan quand je suis déjà revenue à Belleville and found out I had missed where police dogs and a horse were buried. C'était franchement dommage!

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