Saturday, November 10, 2012

Le Musée International d'Art Naïf Anatole Jakovsky

Haha, rain! Now that I've suited up with some rubber boots and a new French-made, French Bulldog umbrella, je m'en fiche, même s'il pleut! I just look ridiculous with my pattern on pattern on pattern ensemble, but you better bet I stay dry. Well, for the most part...

To hide out from the rain and to cross a few things off the list, I visited Le Musée International d'Art Naïf Anatole Jakovsky

If you've never encountered the term Art Naïf or Naive Art (also Primitive Art, Art Brut, or Outsider Art), it simply means works created by people who lack formal training in fine arts.

As the story goes, Jakovsky was a defender of Art Brut and, in hopes of legitimizing the genre, would organize international exhibitions to showcase works of untrained artists. To the museum in Nice, Jakovsky contributed 600 pieces of works in the 1980s. Since then, the museum's collection has expanded to number beyond a thousand.

And here fast asleep, is the museum's resident cat, Séraphin. Ohhhhh, France, please stay classy forrrever!

After my fix of Art Naïf, I headed over to the mall, yup! Then nearly as quickly as I'd gone in, I fled Nice  Étoile and found myself at atelier 5. It was a small gallery featuring a group show and the artist sitting in, Valerie Altounian, was uncomfortable with me to photographing the works---perfectly understandable, so you'll have to follow the link to take a look. The provided photographs are professionally done and therefore better, anyway! 

After atelier 5, I strolled around the neighbourhood back to that awesome bakery and picked up some more almond/marzipan pumpkins and a little piggy to finish off my day and number the days of my teeth.

Oink oink! or apparently krouik-krouik! en français.

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